
Lead PI: Carolina Vera.

Code Name Coordinators Description
WP-0 CoDesign & CoProduction of Knowledge V. Hernández (IRD-UNSAM)
F. Fossa Riglos (IRD - UNSAM),
B. Kruijt (WUR),
P. Etala (SSA-RCC/SMN)
WP0 will facilitate the co-design and co-production of knowledge during the project. A "case study" approach will be central, and they will frame the knowledge co-production process. Thus, the knowledge co-production in CLIMAX is based on a consolidated inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary team in two SSA countries: Brazil and Argentina, respectively. Highly important socio-economic sectors, i.e. the hydropower sector in Brazil and the agriculture sector in Argentina, will be investigated
WP-1 Physical processes explaining climate variability in SA K. Thonicke (PIK),
A. Rammig (TUM)
WP1 will develop research associated with regional climate variability ranging from subseasonal, seasonal, to interannual and decadal timescales and pay particular attention on the multi-scale nature of climate processes. WP1 will lead to an increased knowledge of regional climate variability that will contribute to the trans-disciplinary activity where innovative climate monitoring tools will be co-designed and co-produced together with WP2 and WP0.
WP-2 Predictability and Prediction tools I. Cavalcanti (INPE),
R. Hutjes (WUR)
WP2 focuses on the assessment of the predictability associated with climate variability in SSA on sub-seasonal to decadal timescales. This implies the use of currently operational global climate models and regional climate models as well as on the development of new prediction tools for the regional climate and its impact on agriculture and hydrology over the regions in which WP0 case studies will focus. An exploration of the predictability changes associated with land-use changes and land-surface processes in Amazon and SSA on longer timescales is also included in this WP.
WP-3 Social processes explaining climate information appropriation V. Hernández (IRD),
R. Taddei (UNIFESP)
To address specific sectors of relevant activities on each country: the hydropower and wind energy sector in Brazil, and the agricultural sector in Argentina, as described under WP0. Ethnographic method will be applied in both case studies. Ethnographic fieldwork allows the application of diverse data collection techniques relocating and articulating its results in their social interaction context, which is in turn analyzed in a global and historical framework.
WP-4 Management C. Vera (CNRS/UMI3351) The management plan will be coordinated by WP4 in interaction with the other WPs. WP4 has two specific to address the management and the dissemination of the project respectively.
The project coordinator (PI) is in charge of daily management and decisions on project progress, while annual project meetings represented by all partners jointly decide by majority upon major issues and project strategic choices.

Conceptual Model


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